About Me


The short-and-sweet version is that I’m a [content] writer, editor & educator from Vancouver, Canada now settled in Barcelona, Spain.

Having worked in the content world for 6 years now, my greatest passion is self-expression through the written word. Whether I’m teaching languages, creating meaningful content, developing content strategy, editing fiction or writing articles and blogs, the power of words are fundamental to my craft.

I’ve worked with solopreneurs and creatives as well as start-ups, small businesses, and large organizations in a variety of industries in Canada, the United States, the UK, France, Spain, the Netherlands, and around the world.

I’ve written hundreds of articles about marketing, travel & leisure, fashion, sustainability, technology, finance & investment, remote work, and human resources, as well as more personal fiction and thought pieces.

I’m fluent in English & Spanish, and hold a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in Education.

San Sebastian, 2020